Melting Moon Print

Melting Moon Print

Melting Moon Print


It’s been at least 6 years since Kristof Van Beversluys (Studio kri kri) had the idea to start painting this moon. The concept was quite clear from the start. “However, I’m not much of a painter. I had painted 3 out of 4 quadrants (the lighter parts) when it was all stranded. I was stuck. I ignored it for a couple of years. I think I moved this half baked painting 4 times. Going from one studio to the next one. The longer I waited the harder it was to finish it up” – described Kristof.

When Gust from De Makers asked Kristof to collaborate on their “Makers of the month”, he had a couple of ideas. “Finishing up this piece was the most scary thing on the list. You can guess which one he preferred right?” – says Kristof. Yep, he loved it. All of a sudden, he had only a couple of weeks to finish what he had been putting off for years. With fresh courage and a clear deadline, he started on the remaining 25% of the painting.

You can find the final product below

Detail shots


Work-in-progress shots

Close up total image

Print details

Print based on painting “Melting moon”

  • Size 500mm X 1000mm
  • Machine Epson Sure Color P9500
  • Inkt Ultra Chrome Pro 12 inks
  • Paper Hahnemühle Photo Rag Bright White 310gsm
  • Frame option 1
  • Nielsen Alpha matte black frame with 
  • Standard 2mm float glass

Frame option 2

Nielsen Alpha matte black frame with  anti-reflective museum glass

All hand-numbered, signed and certified. Limited to 50 prints

Printed with love by De Makers bureau. Digitalised by Mike Van Cleven


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