Natura Insects Series6: Crafting insects made by flowers

Natura Insects Series6: Crafting insects made by flowers

Natura Insects Series6: Crafting insects made by flowers


Raku Inoue is an artist with many many talents, the last time we have featured him on ABDZ. His Instagram has been blowing up ever since with many articles about his art from other awesome popular sites. We are really happy for him and even still, Raku still comes up with impressive pieces of art like from the Safari Triforce series. Today we are featuring the continuation of his Natura Insects series, a look at his craft at making insects made entirely of flowers. Raku is a good friend and it’s always inspiring to see his work evolving for the World to see.

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Natura Insects Series6: Crafting insects made by flowersNatura Insects Series6: Crafting insects made by flowersNatura Insects Series6: Crafting insects made by flowersNatura Insects Series6: Crafting insects made by flowersNatura Insects Series6: Crafting insects made by flowersNatura Insects Series6: Crafting insects made by flowersNatura Insects Series6: Crafting insects made by flowersNatura Insects Series6: Crafting insects made by flowersNatura Insects Series6: Crafting insects made by flowers Natura Insects Series6: Crafting insects made by flowersNatura Insects Series6: Crafting insects made by flowersNatura Insects Series6: Crafting insects made by flowers

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