«Siamo privilegiati. Non possiamo ignorare la sofferenza degli altri popoli»

Audrey Hepburn, attrice e icona di eleganza senza tempo, ha speso la sua vita come ambasciatrice dell’UNICEF per la causa dei più deboli.

La libertà per Caparezza

La filosofia di Michele Salvemini, in arte Caparezza, che vede la libertà lontano dai social media e che tre giorni fa è tornato con l’album Exuvia.

Dalla tazzina alla terra. La seconda vita del caffè

Il caffè esausto può essere molto più di un rifiuto. Può essere usato nell’economia circolare per coltivare vari tipi di piante oppure per produrre olio.

L’emicrania non è “solo un mal di testa”. È la seconda malattia invalidante al mondo

Emicrania, cefalea tensiva e cefalea a grappolo sono la seconda malattia invalidante al mondo, la prima per le donne, ma i suoi sintomi sono spesso sottovalutati.

36 Days of Character Design

36 Days of Character Design abduzeedo05.19.21 Many people know about the challenge that takes place every year called # 36daysoftype, for 8 years it has brought designers and artists from all over the world on instagram under a single hashtag. It has become very popular and I have been participating and trying to challenge myself… Continua a leggere 36 Days of Character Design

3D study into shapes, dimensions & texturing for 36 Days of Type

3D study into shapes, dimensions & texturing for 36 Days of Type abduzeedo05.20.21 36 Days of Type is a project that invites designers, illustrators and graphic artists to express their particular view on letters and numbers of the latin alphabet. Plasticbionic 2020 series was a study into shapes, dimensions & texturing. All letters on our Instagram… Continua a leggere 3D study into shapes, dimensions & texturing for 36 Days of Type

6–7 is 6ourbon 7ime

6–7 is 6ourbon 7ime abduzeedo05.20.21 In a world where we’re all working from home, how do we know when work ends and life starts? Beam Suntory, the world’s largest bourbon maker, saw a new role for its brands in this reality. A movement to set the boundaries again and make 6-7pm sacred. Created by  Leo… Continua a leggere 6–7 is 6ourbon 7ime

Zootopia — Beautiful Illustration by Kate Stepanova

Zootopia — Beautiful Illustration by Kate Stepanova abduzeedo05.21.21 Kate Stepanova has an incredible portfolio of illustration projects. I’d love to share one of them, this one in particular is titled Zootopia. At first glance I really thought they were 3D work. Well, they are 3D but not using 3D tools, just pure concept and illustration.… Continua a leggere Zootopia — Beautiful Illustration by Kate Stepanova

Introducing The Field Notes 50th Quarterly Edition

Introducing The Field Notes 50th Quarterly Edition ibby05.21.21 Field Notes, the memo book brand that launched in 2007 as a joint venture between Portland, Oregon-based Draplin Design Company and Chicago-based design firm Coudal Partners, has just launched their 50th quarterly edition and we’re smitten. If you aren’t familiar with Field Notes, they are the beautifully… Continua a leggere Introducing The Field Notes 50th Quarterly Edition

TOLM XII — twists and turns in 3D

TOLM XII — twists and turns in 3D abduzeedo05.22.21 TOLM XII celebrates the 12th anniversary of TOLM studio. As they describe it, the road makes twists and turns, leading and guiding towards tomorrow. This 3D project celebrates and translates their journey with clever twists of letters and typography. Beautiful and inspiring. Stills For more information… Continua a leggere TOLM XII — twists and turns in 3D