NBC has released a full trailer for its upcoming Suits spinoff series, Suits LA, which follows a new legal group led by Ted Black (Stephen Amell), a former federal prosecutor from New York who reinvents himself in Los Angeles.
Ted Black is now representing the most powerful clients in Los Angeles. ”His firm is at a crisis point, and in order to survive, he must embrace a role he held in contempt his entire career.
“Ted is surrounded by a stellar group of characters who test their loyalties to both Ted and each other while they can’t help but mix their personal and professional lives.
“All of this is going on while we slowly unravel the events that years ago led Ted to leave behind everything and everyone he loved.”
The main cast of Suits LA includes Lex Scott Davis, Josh McDermitt, and Bryan Greenberg. Previously announced guest stars include Maggie Grace, Matt Letscher, Sofia Pernas, and Carson A. Egan.
There’s also Patton Oswalt (King of Queens), Brian Baumgartner (The Office), and Enrico Colantoni (Just Shoot Me).
Suits LA will premiere on February 23rd at 9 p.m. ET/PT with episodes available to stream the following day on Peacock.